If you want to succeed, you must always think abundantly

Marco Pirrongelli
2 min readJun 22, 2022

In 2015, I met someone who helped me change how I thought success was related to how you do things. Some people always believe that having some extreme and radical savings will give you a path to a better and more prosperous future. The fact is, this person said the opposite. Meditating and deeply analysing how I reacted and planning aspects of my life discovered that abundance wouldn't come alone. If you don't set up that in your mind, you will never have abundance.

Abundance doesn't mean having 1 billion dollars in your account. That means monetary abundance but doesn't mean you will have plenty of it in multiple aspects. To reach this level, you need to analyse how you take care of yourself, how you love yourself and how this reflects in your family, friends and the projects you build.

I had multiple experiences where selfish people were always around, those who only have one plan, their own, and at the end of the day, all of these people ended in a dead-end where they needed to learn and start over again. Of course, money and status will always bring you that fake mirror of success, but it is not absolute since a wrong decision can make you lose this status, and voila, you are not helpful anymore.

Now, the way we fix this is by changing the way we think.

  • The way we share knowledge.
  • The way we share resources.
  • The way we spend those resources to get more revenue
  • Accept the possibility of failure
  • Understand how life works and keep testing scenarios until finding one that works.

Our world changes faster, so you need to keep focusing on finding more models to help you grow.


  • Be selfish with others.
  • Be a boss, doing micromanagement.
  • Yell other people because you are frustrated; it won't fix anything.
  • Keep the funds of your project inside the safety box; that way. You will only lose them all, making a big mistake.
  • Be afraid of doing and trying new stuff.
  • Be afraid of asking for help from others.
  • Be afraid to say thank you publicly to those who helped you build something remarkable.
  • Stop enjoying your life because you "have some issues at work."
  • Follow people who don't share your values.
  • Follow people who say, "I'm being hard with you just to make you a better version of yourself."
  • Laugh and mock others' issues and problems.
  • Gossip in your work environment.

I hope this small article helps you understand that abundance is a whole and not a single thing determined by how many zeros are after the first number in your bank account.



Marco Pirrongelli

I'm an entrepreneur born in Venezuela, A Supporter of the EU Schema; CTO & Co-Founder of Mercury Cash, Father, Musician, Crypto and IT Enthusiast