Routines of Life, a Huge Disruption is needed in this World or perhaps we have lost it already.

Marco Pirrongelli
2 min readAug 15, 2019

Yesterday i was discussing with my wife how after almost 5 years of marriage we have entered in that what we call Routine and basically is what all of you do regularly, wake up at 4, 5 or 6 am, prepare for going to your workplace if its at home or in a office building, get kids ready for school (if you have), feed the dog, checklist before going out.


6 AM the alarm sounds in my phone, give a kiss to my wife (sometimes not) depends of situations, take a shower, prepare coffee, get dressed and then go to work.

At work we enter like a paradigm where your mindset changes in a complete way you feel like these star wars ships jumping into hyperspace and getting out from it to another Galaxy and sometimes it feels awesome because you like what you do but in other cases won’t because some people just work for the need and the money. Friends can help you getting out of the routine sometimes but at work you always try to keep a distance because is the professional level what’s involved.


4:30 PM is almost the end of your work day and depending of the day and duties you can feel fine or mentally exhausted and is when you start remembering things you need to do at home, stuff that you need to do for tomorrow becoming the first cycle of mental routine, you are forcing your brain to do something that you must do based in a rule.


8:00 PM you already are at home, having dinner, getting prepared for next work day or if it’s Friday getting prepared for home duties that you must complete on Saturday since Sunday is needed for rest or have family time. Some cases are extreme since people travel, work at nights doing stuff that are needed for our society like Cops, Doctors, Crew members of an airplane, among others and believe me… nobody cares, think about these people… NO ONE.

What’s Next?

Our world is evolving and nobody is paying attention to what’s happening, AI, Blockchain, Automation, Internet, Big Data, Google, Facebook are moving fast everyday and technology is looking forward for analysis, the new era of technologies 4.0 is here. NO ONE is paying attention.

Everybody are so in love of their Instagram followers or if they had some RT in Twitter. Leadership is being manipulated and we are losing a lot of our humanity.

This is why I believe smart people like Steve Jobs, Bill Gates or Mark Zuckerberg are ok to be followed… be an entrepreneur is the most amazing thing in life BUT Elon Musk for example is just preparing the field and everything to leave this planet ASAP, I think he believe that this world is lost and he prefers to take a bunch of selected people to go Mars or the Moon and start again, a fresh start without all the mistakes we have made and this is something that will happen between 2020 and 2030.



Marco Pirrongelli

I'm an entrepreneur born in Venezuela, A Supporter of the EU Schema; CTO & Co-Founder of Mercury Cash, Father, Musician, Crypto and IT Enthusiast